With a five-dollar-bill and a dream, our school was built to prepare leaders for a multi-cultural world with a strong foundation in love.

In 1956, the first students consisted of orphans from Holy Cross thanks to donations of time, cash, materials, food, Betty Crocker Coupons; and uncountable volunteers, Jesuit priests, and Sisters of St. Ann.  This Catholic boarding school was built on land near Glennallen, Alaska.  The land was a federal grant designated for the purpose of education. In 15 years, our school  grew to serve more than 200 students annually from diverse nationalities and backgrounds.

The only home for some, the second home for many is now where we attend yearly reunions to reconnect in the open fields and trails that remain.  We recognize a unique school spirit living amongst and within each of us.

Annual Family Reunions

Each year our CVS Family reunion is held the first part of August at the now vacant school site near Glenallen.  Former students, volunteers, and religious gather to visit, hug, and catch up.  On Saturday we have a Memorial Wall service, a loving and caring tradition, where we add names onto pink bricks and remember those who have passed on.  We then have a membership meeting, a potluck, fundraising and entertainment.  Sunday services are held before we clean up and say farewells.  Our school closed in 1971, our hearts remain open.  This is a treasured place.